July: Manna

“The day I learned I was having a miscarriage, I came home, climbed into bed, and barely got out of it for two weeks. 

The first week, waiting for the D&C, my body still felt pregnant, but my mind knew I wouldn’t be much longer. This disconnect is a specific type of torture. Mentally, I had accepted the loss, but physically, my body remained in denial. My emotions hovered somewhere in between,  suspended in mid-air. I couldn’t stop crying...

Food appeared on the porch daily, like manna. Pizza, salad, baked mac n’ cheese. Meatballs with bulgogi sauce over jasmine rice. Bags of groceries, Cheez-its, cardboard boxes filled with soup and bread. DoorDash and Grubhub gift cards popped up in my inbox. We used them all—for sandwiches, for pasta, for lemon chicken with a side of mashed potatoes… 

I ate every single meal in bed…

For two weeks, as I miscarried, this is how I ate: in bed, wearing black sweatpants, nestled in a cocoon of pillows and blankets. Food appeared, and then the dishes disappeared. Like a magic trick. Like … room service.” (Excerpt from Ashlee Gadd’s essay: Room Service)

This month, we’re talking about divinely supplied nourishment (literally and figuratively). Tell us about a time when your needs were met in ways that could only be described as divine. Whether through the kindness of a friend or what could only be described as an act of God, what was it like to be provided for?


Submit your URL here.

Posts are due at midnight PST on Wednesday, July 17th. Alyssa will email participants on Thursday, July 18th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, July 19th.

Need some help getting started? Here’s Blog Hop 101.

Questions? Email hello@exhalecreativity.com.

Visit the Blog Hop: (coming soon)

Exhale Team
The Exhale Team is made up of the women who write for Coffee + Crumbs.

June: Linger