Shiloh Beaver

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1. You are a wife, mother, homeschooler, baker and artist – you wear so many hats! What does a typical day look like for you and your family?

A typical day for my family looks like seeing my husband off to work, then preparing breakfast for the littles. We do homeschool and then therapy for my son. Lots of typical mom life in the mix, but trying to find joy in this season. I usually make time to bake a few times a week as well. 

2. You’ve taken baked goods to the next level, creating tiny (delicious!) works of art that look too good to eat. What motivates you to put all that work into something that “doesn’t last”? 

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The baking process is one that brings me joy and peace. You could even call it a form of self care. I definitely love the expressive art of decorating, and that can motivate me. Most of the time though it's the happiness it brings everyone; the ability to celebrate all the big and small things with others, even being there to make hard days a little sweeter.

3. In your most full or challenging seasons, how have you still managed to create? 

In my most full or challenging season I manage to create by including my kids. I've learned that it makes creating enjoyable for us all.

4. How are you seeing the fruit of your creative work blooming now from seeds that you planted long ago?

I see seeds blooming in new relationships. I've met some talented and inspiring women through my baking journey. I've grown so much in my craft. Anytime I invest in myself it makes me better. In the most humbling way, LOL!

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5. What inspires you: as a wife, mom, and artist?

I take inspiration from my daily life. I seek out the beauty in what appears to be the mundane tasks of life. I put that into my creativity. It fills my cup to know I'm adding value to my kids’ childhood as well.

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6. Do you have any favorite resources that you’d recommend to fellow creatives?

I definitely love to scroll Instagram, Pinterest, and the library if I'm feeling like I’m in a creative rut. I will also turn to YouTube to spark new ways of getting crafts done.

7. Do you have a scripture, word, or mantra that guides your work?

Micah 5:5 — He will be our peace. That is my favorite scripture. When my life feels hectic or without great meaning, I typically turn to those words. 

8. How do you believe motherhood and creative work complement one another?

Most of the time, I create from inspiration due to my babies. They push me in ways because I have to keep up with them. I strive to create work not only for my own joy, but to also grow them.

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9. Have you ever wanted to throw in the towel and quit being an artist? How did you fight past that feeling?

Yes! At one point I felt I should just go down another path. I thought my work wasn't impactful, but purpose isn't at all measured in dollars or stats. 

I think of times where I was able to make a difference through my work just the way I am, and it has helped me see more clearly.

10. If you could tell moms who long to create as they raise little ones a word of advice or encouragement, what would it be?


Release your preconceived ideas of how it should look, be, or go. It's okay to go at a different pace. Give yourself grace, and enjoy every moment. 

Connect with Shiloh: Instagram // Website // Pinterest

Exhale Team
The Exhale Team is made up of the women who write for Coffee + Crumbs.

Marissa Huber