March: Acceptance Speech
“I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I wanna thank me for having no days off. I wanna thank me for never quitting...I want to thank me for being me.”
It’s award season! Cue the shining lights, elaborate dresses, pristine and poised actors and actresses, and the art of the acceptance speech.
And yet—there’s no ceremony celebrating motherhood's mundane, ordinary moments. No star on a sidewalk, shiny gold statue, or even award plaque embossed with our names in gold lettering. Yet, the hard work is worth celebrating. The still, soft, and quiet moments are worth casting bright lights and elevating as much as an award ceremony.
Because this work matters.
This month, write an acceptance speech of a mundane moment—creativity in the margins of motherhood, cleaning up the milk spill on the floor, getting to the pick-up line spot first, or even having a tender moment with your child. Regardless of the moment—paint a picture and show us the moment in technicolor. Use Sonya’s “Use Good Words“ resource to help!
Submit your URL here.
Posts are due at midnight PST on Wednesday, Mar. 15th. Neidy will email participants on Thursday, Mar. 16th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, Mar. 17th.
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