October: Unplugged
About Ashlee
Ashlee Gadd is a wife, mother of three, believer, and the founder of Coffee + Crumbs. When she's not working or vacuuming Cheerios out of the carpet, she loves making friends on the Internet, eating cereal for dinner, and rearranging bookshelves. Her book, Create Anyway: the Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood, is now available wherever books are sold.
About Hannah
Hannah is the founder of The World Needs More Love Letters, author of 4 books, a TED Speaker, and an online educator teaching others how to establish important disciplines within their lives.
She lives in Atlanta with her husband, Lane, and thier Novalee. You can find us trying out new restaurants across the city, getting dangerously cutthroat over playing Battleship, playing at the park, and cozying up to watch a thriller (or Moana if Novi gets to pick) with our rescue pup Tuesday.