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Friendly Feedback: Critique to Keep Going with Adrienne Garrison

10 AM PT / 12 PM CT /1 PM ET

The writing life can be lonely and discouraging. We often desire community and feedback on our writing, but it can be vulnerable to share our work with others. In this one-hour workshop, we'll discuss how sharing our writing at various stages of the process can be part of creating a sustainable writing practice. We'll brainstorm various types of feedback and explore how even non-writers in our circle can champion us along. Participants will come away with ideas for how to process negative feedback, how to create a writing partnership that is encouraging and impactful, and why mother-writers uniquely benefit from writing in community. This is open to both Exhale and non-Exhale members!

Register Here.

April 22

Why is Marketing so Gross?

May 10

Creative Happy Hour