Finding Joy In the Journey

Finding Joy In the Journey
Exhale Podcast

In Episode 66 of the Exhale Podcast, our guest is bringing inspiration for your creative life and your summer playlist. Joy’s songs are full of heart, and her energy for nurturing connection and hope in her Philadelphia neighborhood will motivate you to roll out the welcome mat this summer. We recognize the mothering spirit at work in the care she pours into her community and the warmth she offers to the artists that she mentors, and we’re excited to talk with her today about how our roles as mothers and artists stretch us to look past the traditional definitions of both.

Bio: Joy Ike is a singer/songwriter and artist coach based out of Philadelphia, PA. As music-making takes a backseat in this season of Joy's creative journey, she is most passionate about art as a vehicle for change, empowerment and empathy; and sees creativity as a way to openly and thoughtfully wrestle with the uncertainty of life.

@joyikemusic ||

Lyrics & Songs by Joy:

Wearing Love

Keep your words

They won’t fix anything

All that works is the love that you bring

Hold On

You put up walls but someone pulls them down

You think for help but they kick you to the ground

It's not what you want but your hope is coming

Life takes all you got, but your hope is coming

Ever Stay

How I live, there's no room for you

How you try, but never get through

“It’s not about you.” quote from an article with Joy on Impostor Syndrome


Artists that don’t mind that [the art process] takes time are probably the ones that are still going to be doing this in 10-15 years. —Joy Ike

Artists Mentioned:

Makoto Fujimura Culture Care 

Sarah Groves Expedition

Mat Tommey Mentoring

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Exhale Podcast

The Exhale Podcast is hosted by Abbigail Kriebs and Sonya Spillmann

Boundless Creativity


Behind the Book No. 3