January: Alive
Alive: having life : not dead or inanimate : still in existence, force, or operation : aliveness
Cold and dark winters often silence the creativity we’ve been given and the light and hope all around us. Sometimes, dormancy feels like death. But we know spring will eventually come. We know seasons of quiet and rest are good(!) even though sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.
This month, we are noticing what breathes life into us and what gives us zest and zeal. We are taking inventory of what (writing, painting, dancing, singing, laughing, hosting, our faith, foraging, running, hiking, _______) makes us feel alive. We are acknowledging how the death of one thing has brought space and energy for something new, something alive.
What inside of you is dying to be brought back to life? Why does it make you feel so alive?
A few thoughts as you write:
The world feels quiet in winter, but __________ is bringing me life.
I thought this part of me had completely vanished, but—although barely hanging on—it’s still alive.
These things may be dead now: ________ , ________, ________; but I’m breathing time, love, and energy into these things: _______, _______, ________.
What does it mean to truly be alive?
These experiences, joys, observations, colors, quirks, encouragements, _______ make me feel alive!
Submit your URL here.
Posts are due at midnight PST on Wednesday, January 22nd. Becky will email participants on Thursday, January 23rd. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, January 24th.
Need some help getting started? Here’s Blog Hop 101.
Questions? Email hello@exhalecreativity.com.
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