February: Love

Love: strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties : affection and tenderness felt by lovers : warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion : unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another

What is love? (Good luck asking yourself without thinking of that ‘90s pop song.)

Love could be…

Breakfast in bed.
Taking out the trash.
Sitting with a friend.
Changing a diaper.
Staying up late to prep lunches.
Getting up early to write. (Self-love)
Not yelling at your kid.
Apologizing after you yell at your kid.
God painting the sky orange.
A note tucked into a bag.
A hug, a kiss, something more?

What is love to you?

This month, we are noticing who, what, and how we love. Maybe even why, if it needs explaining? We are taking the time to express gratitude for a person we care for deeply or someone who’s loved us when we didn’t deserve it. Who comes to mind: your spouse, your kids, a neighbor, a parent, a close friend, maybe even yourself?

How has their love—or your love for them—changed you, moved you, or given you confidence to simply be?

Submit your URL here.

Posts are due at midnight PST on Wednesday, February 19th. Becky will email participants on Thursday, February 20th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, February 21st.

Need some help getting started? Here’s Blog Hop 101.

Questions? Email hello@exhalecreativity.com.

Visit the Blog Hop:

The Good Cookie

I Thought I Knew

Love Is…

Love Is…

More Than a Number

Ready for Take Off

Love Squared

The Emma Tree

For You, Baby Girl

Love’s Footnotes

My Ordinary, Extraordinary Life

Love With You Looks Like

How We Say “I Love You”


The Love of a Military Spouse

Playing Mommy

The Unparalleled Woman

The Littlest Acts of Love

Random Acts of Love

Tell Me Everything

Here for the Sisters

Exhale Team
The Exhale Team is made up of the women who write for Coffee + Crumbs.

March: Peace


January: Alive