June: Linger


1. to be slow in parting or in quitting something: TARRY

2: to remain existent, although often waning in strength, importance, or influence

b: to remain alive although gradually dying

3: to be slow to act : PROCRASTINATE

4: to move slowly : SAUNTER

Tell us of a time you lingered longer than necessary. What kept you? What made you want to preserve that moment longer? What caused you to avoid moving forward? What would you like to linger on right now?


Submit your URL here.

Posts are due at midnight PST on Wednesday, June 12th. Alyssa will email participants on Thursday, June 13th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, June 14th.

Need some help getting started? Here’s Blog Hop 101.

Questions? Email hello@exhalecreativity.com.

Visit the Blog Hop:

When It’s Hard to Rest

A Wedding Day Benediction

An Ode to the Kitchen Sliding Glass Door

A Time for Savoring a Latte

The Waves

Choose to Linger


Baby Face

And So I’ll Linger

On Middle of the Night Snuggles & Made-up Songs

To Linger Means I Love You

Stay Awhile


Exhale Team
The Exhale Team is made up of the women who write for Coffee + Crumbs.

July: Manna


May: Silhouette