March: Peace

Peace: a state of tranquility or quiet : freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions : freedom from civil disturbance : harmony in personal relations

The world is constantly swirling with information, opinions, updates, and expectations. At the same time, the demands of motherhood can feel constant and all-consuming. It only makes sense that so many of us suffer from anxiety in different seasons of our lives.

So, how do we find peace in the midst of the chaos?

What, or who, calms your nerves and soul? What makes you feel safe and grounded? Describe what it feels like when peace washes over you despite your challenging circumstances. Is it something you can share with others? Is it something someone else has offered you? How do you guard your peace when you know—or don’t know—a taxing or tumultuous season is coming?

Submit your URL here.

Posts are due at 11:59 pm PST Wednesday, March 19th. Becky will email participants on Thursday, March 20th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, March 21st.

Need some help getting started? Here’s Blog Hop 101.

Questions? Email

Exhale Team
The Exhale Team is made up of the women who write for Coffee + Crumbs.

February: Love