May: Still Motherhood
“I take a moment and consider that what was irritating clutter a moment ago, is actually a lovely creation of his imagination. And so I take a photo.”
If your house or calendar is anything like mine at this time of year, it’s considered one word: cluttered. From toys to books to art projects you intended to store away to sports equipment, it’d be enough to make Mother Teresa lose her cool.
But what if we looked at our mess a little differently?
This month, create a photo essay based on Jennifer Floyd’s creative exercise “Still Motherhood“. Look at piles of clutter from a different angle—show us what this stage of motherhood looks like for you.
Submit your URL here.
Posts are due at midnight PST on Wednesday, May 18th. Neidy will email participants on Thursday, May 19th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, May 20th.
Need some help getting started? Here’s Blog Hop 101.
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Visit the Blog Hop:
A Creative Hoarder and Her Bedroom
At Least the Chaos is Colorful
If Her Motherhood Were Captured
The Beauty of Unexpected Things
For Everything There Is A Season
Some Days I Don't Want to Mother
Finding a Little Magic in the Mess
Motherhood Meet Passions Meet Childhood
Motherhood Looks Like...A Photo Collection Of Everyday Moments