July: The Story of a Recipe
Sarah Hauser pulled together a wonderful creative exercise this month all about how to write a recipe, and it prompted this blog hop that asks: why do we cook what we cook?
You don’t have a create a recipe from scratch to do this (although Sarah’s exercise would help!), but we all have stories behind the food we make for ourselves and our loved ones. Maybe there’s a rich family history behind what you cook, or maybe you hated mushrooms growing up and your parents made you eat them and you now opt to leave them out of everything even though maybe you might actually like them now but do it just for spite.
You may need to dig a bit, but there’s a story behind every dish. Find it and write it.
Submit your URL here.
Posts due at midnight PST on Wednesday, July 15th. Abbie will email participants on July 16th. The blog hop will go live at 8 AM EST on Friday, July 17th.
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