Behind the Essay No. 6
Join us for another episode in our much-loved series: Behind the Essay, where we ask writers to pull back the curtain on the process and inspiration behind some of our most memorable Coffee+Crumbs essays. The series began as a conversation between the original Exhale Podcasts hosts, Sonya Spillmann and Abigail Kriebbs, with an exploration of Sonya’s Essay Will the Mom Know What To Do. It continued in November of 2021, when I was invited into the “hot seat” to discuss my essay Soul Leaves Body. A few months later, I was brought on to take Abigail's spot as podcast co-host with Sonya Spillmann, and we interviewed Callie Feyen on her essay The Society of Breaking Hearts. To celebrate a year of book launches in 2023 for members of the C+C team, we ran three Behind the Book episodes featuring Katie Blackburn, Sarah Hauser, and Ashlee Gadd. When Sonya passed the baton to our current podcast co-host, Molly, we invited Exhale Member Krista Dreschel onto our show for Behind the Essay #4 and cozied up this fall with C+C writer Cara Stolen to chat about The Thing About Kneading. It’s been such a beautiful thread to weave through the seven years of our podcast, and we’re delighted to share another Behind the Essay with you today.
On today’s episode #87, we get to explore Molly Flinkman’s beautiful piece Grace, Eleven Ways, which ran in the Spring Collection last year. Molly’s scene building and playfulness set her apart as one of my favorite essayists, and I can’t wait to celebrate her writing by showering her with a bazillion questions today. Without further ado, let’s read this girl’s bio.
Bio: Molly Flinkman is a freelance writer from central Iowa where she lives with her husband, Jake, and their four kids. A lover of houseplants, good books, and (in a surprising turn of events) bright colors, she loves to write about how her faith intersects the very ordinary aspects of her life and hopes her words will encourage and support other women along the way.
Molly’s essay “Grace, Eleven Ways”
Nineteen Boys by Sarah Manguso
Behind the Essay No. 1 with Sonya Spillmann
Behind the Essay No. 2 with Adrienne Garrison
Behind the Essay No. 3 with Callie Feyen
Behind the Essay No. 4 with Krista Dreschel
Behind the Essay No. 5 with Cara Stolen
Behind the Book with Katie Blackburn
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